Monday, November 10, 2014

Tuesday 11/11/14

Muscle Ups
Squat Snatch 135/95

3:00 Toes To Bar
1:00 Side Plank L
1:00 Side Plank R

Gymnastics Progression Week 1

There are 3 Movements, We Will Work Them 1-2x Per Week. You can follow the movements in 3 possible ways: 
1. Scaled
Simply follow the program using scaled variations of these advanced movements
2. Natural
Do The Movement as you would in a WOD if you were doing it RX
3. Scaled Up
Follow the program but add difficulty to the movements, such as deficits, performing them strict, or weighted.

Each Cycle is 3 weeks and then we will take a rest week.

Week 1 (6 Sets)
Handstand Push Ups: 30
Pistols: 60 
Muscle Ups: 15

Do all 3 movements in each set. You only have 6 sets to complete all the reps. Don't rest more than 1 minute between movements or sets.


  1. Did the squat cleans at 65# and ring rows.
    75 sit ups
    Not doing any overhead or pull ups for a bit.
    Did 6 sets of 10 pistols...At least I can work on lower body stuff. Frustrating.

  2. Allan crushed Amanda today. Looked solid all the way through. Awesome work!!!

  3. Not upset or feeling sorry for myself, but it just did not seem to be my day. Jeep crapped out on me so I missed the C & D Part. 14 something on B which was a slow effort. Live to fight tomorrow I suppose! At Least I got to WOD:)

    1. I'm still jealous of the re-grip. you'll be back in action soon probably a circulator pump broke and seized the serpentine belt. quick fix back to new in no time!!

      " Life's a garden, Dig It!!!" Joe Dirt

  4. A. 7:56 Rx 1 no rep on snatch and Mu's happy with that. really got some some nice snatches in their that felt great!!
    B. 97 and unbroken
    C. 5 strick hspu's, 10 pistols, mess up with only 2 mu's a round so total was 12 on these but kept a good pace trying to beat the 5:30 class clean demo.

    Nice to see Mason with some (very light) weight on the bar!!
