Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Advanced Programming

A. and B. With The Class

Post Class Perform C.
On The Minute x 5 Minutes 1 Legless Rope Climb*
Rest 3:00
10-10-10 Bent Over Row

*If You Cant Perform Legless Rope Climbs Do Rope Pull Ups. Place Both Hands On The Rope And Pull Up, Lower Yourself Slowly. Do As Many As You Can In :45sec


  1. Part A: 75#
    Part B: I think it was 10:40 don't remember
    legless- did 3 partials then worked with Mark (thanks for coming back) worked on pulling up and then lowering, arms were tired and grip.
    bent over rows: 45,65,65

  2. Nice work Mase! I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight if I din't come back!

  3. A. 145# my thumbs felt like they were going to fall off from hook grip without breaking the 3.
    B. 75# 4:25
    C. Emom 5 LLRC
    D. 3x 10 2p kettle bell rows.
    Good times, and great group at 4:30!! Real sweaty with that humidity..
    Sorry i will post here from now on Sorry Mason you didn't Have to yell at me!!

  4. Keep posting to the regular site, people are encouraged by lots of comments, and might feel more likely to comment themselves. 99% of the time people are encouraged by fast times and 100% of the time we can encourage everyone by their efforts in some way in the comments. Graciousness and being part of a larger support network are critical parts of being a successful athlete.
