Monday, June 9, 2014

Tuesday June 10, 2014

CrossFit Cape Cod Advanced Training

A. Helen
3 Rounds For Time
Run 400
21 Kettle Bell Swings
12 Pull Ups

B. OTM 10 Minutes
Odd:30 Seconds Hollow Body Hips To Rings
Even:30 Sec Double Unders

C. 3x 12 Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Rest as needed and do these weighted if you have no problem doing them unbroken without being weighted.

The MAJOR focus on executing these 4 parts is global flexion and moving the whole body as one unit. Make getting the body into a tight ready position an automatic first step before executing the movements.


  1. Mark probably won't make it in till 6:30 class. Really looking forward to Helen. !! Question on the hollow body hips to rings, those from a hang or is this a band progression. How many reps the point is tight body right? Low rings with hold if we get smoked ? Thanks

  2. Allan, Mark showed me the movement yesterday so I can show you.

  3. 15:13 18 strict/ 18 kipped
    2 reps on the rings average 35 du's
    3x12 with purple band
    My hands really hurt so I was saying to Allan how much my hands hurt so I asked when are they going to stop hurting and Allan replied " when you're dead." Hilarious!!!

  4. 8:41 RX tried butteryfly for first time in WOD but broke rhythm after 6.
    8-8-6-7-7 on rings doubles didn't count but we're ok. Never all unbroken.
    Took awhile but 3x 12 CTB done. 6-6, 4-4-4,3-3-3-3.
    Good times can't wait till 4 pm tomorrow.
    Nice work Mason!! Thanks Mark!!

  5. Sorry to be out of touch today, my power is still out and I am at my brother in laws:/
    9:?? on Helen

    Went to pick up Amelia at Rep 20 Of Stict CTB.
    "When you're dead" I love it!
    PS The run is about 120ft longer than 400m. supposed to be 1,312.ft
