Sunday, June 15, 2014

Monday 6/16/14

Front Squat
3 Reps at 70%
3 Reps at 80%
Max Reps at 90%

Percentages are based off of 3 Rep Max Or 90% Of 1 Rep Max

3 Rounds For Time
10 Squat Cleans 135/95
20 Box Jumps 24/20

Not For Time
20 GHD Sit Ups
Sled Drag 100m 135/45
20 GHD Sit Ups
Sled Drag 100m 135/45
20 GHD Sit Ups


  1. a. 230 X11
    b. 6:47 rx squat clean felt good.
    c. done ghds all unbroken and felt fast the sled not so much.
    can't wait till tomorrow!!!!!

  2. 95x3, 115x3 and 120x8 that was a lot for me. Front squats are not my strength.
    10:57 squat clean. The third round felt my strongest...needed the first two rounds to warm up.
    ghd's unbroken as well. Never done that before. On the sled Bushy made me do an extra 100m...dam overchiever!

  3. Not really on fire today but I did my best.
    A. 220 x 6
    B. 7:26
    C. Complete

  4. A) 140x3 165x3 185x5 based off of 1RM of 225# from 3/19
    B) 8:43rx
    C) Check! Did 40 butterfly situps for the ghd cause I'm still babysitting my low back, sleds were very difficult to stay remotely upright but I just tried to concentrate on getting the heel down first.
