There are 5 Basic Physical Components That Need To Be Trained and Developed.
1. Conditioning
2. Endurance
3. Gymnastics/Skill
4. Strength/Explosive Power
5. Accessory/Isolation
Conditioning is the WOD. Fran, Helen, Filthy 50, are all examples of conditioning. You poses the skills and strengths needed to do these WOD, so the application is the training stimulus that improves your conditioning. The majority of the time, the return on investment will be dramatically increased whith increased intensity during "conditioning" sessions. Also included are things like OTM (on the minute) Tabata, and other intervals that yeild a high return on conditioning even though the intensity is a different stimulus entirely.
Science has proven that high intensity intervals are the biggest winner in producing increased endurance.
Running 800's hard, will increase your endurance without sacrificing other strengths like regular long sessions of cardio. Most endurance WODs will look like 3 rounds of run 400/row 500m with a 3:00 rest or Tosh 600/400/200 3 Rounds with equal work rest intervals. Anything over 3 miles will make up less than 5% of the endurance training for a competitive CrossFit Athlete.
Gymnastic Skill
This is going to be done in 3 week progressions. Think in terms of "I want to be able to do 150 Pistols in a WOD like at the regionals." The unintelligent approach would be to hammer away at pistols in a long WOD or try Nasty Girls V2. Maybe even "scaling" doing 150 modified pistols holding a weight and sitting to a box with a mat on top of it. That is essentially hoping for 100% of the ability, after having put in 0.00% of the training to progress to pistols. A more effective approach is to 1. Develop the skill and technique. Can you do a pistol but you come up on your toes, or your knee tracks to far in to be an acceptable position? The right course of action is to follow a progression that will allow you to 1. develop the strength 2. develop the flexability and 3. condition your joints and lower extremities to the volume you want to subject them to.
This formula applies to the handstand push up, leggless rope climb, muscle up and other gymnastic movements. Starting in June, regular progressions for these movements will be incorporated into the training week.
Strength/Explosive Power
This is of course referring mostly to all of the major barbell lifts. For the power lifts (squats, deadlifts, bench pressing) programs will be implemented in 3 week progressions. Often times they will be prior to the WOD with the class, sometimes however they will be post WOD indepent of the class. Either way the major lifts will be trained every week all year long. Olympic lifting is more high skill and will be done systematically. Regular progressions and complexes based on percentages will be done 2-3x per week, with a major focus on consistent form and technique. Often this work will be independent of the classes.
An Example Training Week Would Be
A &B With The Class
A. Back Squat
5-3-1 Wendler Week 1
Followed By
B. AMRAP 12 Minutes
12 Front Rack Walking Lunges 135/95
12 Burpees
12 Box Jumps 24/20
C. (Independently)
4 Rounds Not For Time
Handstand Walking 20m
GHD Sit Ups x 15
A. Helen
B. Snatch Complex 50%, 60%, 70%x3 Sets
C. 7x250m Sprints On The Rower
A. With The Class, B & C Independantly
A. Bench Press 5-3-1 Wendler Week 1
B. 21-15-9
Push Press 115/85
Toes To Bar
C. Hanstand Push Up Negatives
5 Sets Of 5 Slow Controlled Negatives To A Deficit, Followed By 100 Mini Band Tricep Extensions and Pull Aparts
A & B With The Class
C Independently
Rest and Recover
A. Wendler Deadlifts 5-3-1 Week 1
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
50 Double Unders
50 Sit Ups
C. Snatch Complex 50%, 60%, 70% x 3 sets
D. Box Pistols
6 Sets Of 5 each Leg
A & B With The Class C&D Independently
3 Rounds For time
Run 800m
5 Rope Climbs
30 Push Ups
40 Air Squats
Rest and Recover
The Following Week The Wendler cycle would continue, as well as the %of the olympic lifting complexes. The gymnastics work in the handstand negatives would be increased as well as the pistols. Also added into the program is supplemental muscle up work since this will likely not be part of the class programming.
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