Monday, July 28, 2014

Tuesday 7/29/14

7 Rounds For Time
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 10'
15 Kettlebell Swings 1.5/1
20 Double Unders

8 Rounds Not For Time
3 Reps, Speed Bench Press With Chains Or Bands. The Goal is Speed, Use 40-60% plus resistance.
5 Strict Toes To Bar Lower Slowly


  1. A. 17:09 Legless
    B. 95-115# w/ chains

  2. 24:53 legless went to the mark on first one then 3/4 on six. Forearms are DEAD!!
    Oh then 40 strict toes to bar. Those felt good NOT!
    Then benched with chains and 10# and 2,5 plates.

  3. A. 17:36 leg less . hit a wall today with my lower back. I was on track 5 rounds at 8 and some change and keeled over on the ground. I finished it RX. learning how to work through the pain!! The wall balls and kettle bells got me but I will get them back. Working with that 30#er. Has made those 20 feel so light. !!
    B. 155# bench and toes to bar done.
    Worked on butteryflys some more 5 x 10-12. Feeling good
