Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Wednesday July 2, 2014

5 Rounds Rest As Needed Between Rounds
6 Thrusters
Max Reps Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups

10 Rounds 
Speed Bench Press 
3 Reps At 60% Plus Red Or Purple Bands. (Attach to a heavy KB on the ground) Lower each rep slowly and smooth. Press as fast and hard as possible on the way up for each rep.

"Snatch Complex 2"
8 Rounds
1 Snatch Balance
1 Hang Snatch
1 Overhead Squat
Add 5-15lbs from last time if you are able to stay fast and precise in your reps.


  1. A. 135# thrusters, 12-8 pull ups
    B. 180#, no bands
    C. Completed @ 95#. My elbows were not feeling it today by the time I got to the snatches.

  2. A. 135-185 On The Thrusters, Then I did 10 Pull Ups Every Round, Had To break up the last 2
    B. Used purple folded in half to a KB and weight jumped around between 95-155
    C. Worked Up To 175 On The Complex Felt Solid

    Nice work on those thrusters Mase!!!

    1. Thanks Mark...I think that may have pushed me past the hatred for that movement. 14.5 still a nightmare though! lol

  3. A. 65/3, 70/3, 75/5. 80/5, 85/7 pr'd by 15#. I was so happy with that weight for a movement that I do not like!!
    B. 45# for 5 rnds, 55# for last 5 rnds. Had to stay with an extremely narrow grip. These are not a happy movement for my shoulders.
    C. Stayed at 35# to continue to work on speed.
    Rest day tomorrow-yippeee.
