Monday, July 21, 2014

Tuesday 7/22/14

AMRAP 12 Minutes
12 Box Jumps 24"
6 Thrusters 95/65
6 Bar Facing Burpees

Max Number Of Muscle Ups In 5 Minutes
Rest 2 Minutes
On The Minute For 5 Minutes
5-10 Strict Chest To Bar Pull Ups


  1. A. 6+12 rds
    B. 10 muscle ups, 10 C2B pull ups x 5

  2. A. 8 + 15 RX box jumps were the toughest unbroken on thrusters.
    B. 16 MU in 5min, CTB strict fell apart tried staying with five but got a lot of no reps some rounds were just strict pull ups. Also worked on Kipping ring dips after and by the way I'm still sweating!! Great work today everyone!!

  3. A) 6+18
    B) 15 mu's strict/ 5 5 3 3 3 c2b this is the first time I've done mu's with any type of time component so to know I can get some pretty good volume in under pressure from the clock and post wod feels pretty good!

  4. 5+12 rx 24"
    Worked on getting stronger with ring dips got 13 in the five minutes
    Definitely feel stronger in the C2B did 5,4,3,2,3. In the beginning of this training I was using a small kip during the strict, now no kip. Progress feels good.
    Nice job everyone! Keep working hard.

  5. A.7+1
    B. 17 Muscle Ups, 7,7,7,5,6 Strict CTB
