Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Wednesday 7/23/14

AMRAP 15 Minutes
7 Push Press 135/95
10 Overhead Squats 135/95
15 GHD Sit Ups

4 Rounds Not For Time
Sled Drag 50 Meters 90/45
20 Tricep Press Downs Blue/Red
20 Pull Aparts Red/Purple 

Thursday Is A Rest Day!


  1. A. 5 rds, I started at 135#, but it crushed me at the OHS. Switched to 95# to finish the WOD.
    B. 90# sled, blue, red

    Disappointed about switching to 95#, but I was still wiped at the end. Good workout!

  2. So, I'm sitting here, watching the first event of the Games and thinking it would be awesome to do a water WOD during a weekend before it gets too cold.

  3. 3+ 7 @65#. Disappointed with myself on this wod. I could not keep the bar overhead today. Shoulder is a bit tweaked... So what else is new lol
    Liked part b with the sleds @ 45#.
    I was really lethargic and tired before this wod. I see an extra rest day in my near future!!!!

  4. 6+3 @45# and ghd situps...
    Did second part with empty sled.
    You did great mason! Rest up!

    1. Awwww thanks Sarah. I'm just really hard on myself. I'm over it now bring on the next wod!!
