Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Wednesday 8/6/14


Over Head Squat
1 Rep Max

Hang Clean 
1 Rep Max

(% based off 3rm or 90% of 1rm)

4 Rounds Not For Time
20 Tricep Press Downs
20 Band Pull Aparts
5 Strict Bent Over Barbell Rows


  1. Looks like CrossFit just opened registration for a team series:

  2. A. 155# OHS PR by 20#
    185# Hang Clean PR by 30#
    135# Press
    B. Complete

  3. 70#, almost had 75# but dumped it on the way up. Happy with 5# pr though...starting to love this movement.
    35, 45, 55...smoked shoulders due to Angie

  4. 245 OHS
    255 Power Clean
    95x5, 115x5, 135x5
    I wimped out on the extra in favor of reorganizing the gym.

  5. The gym looks good Mark!
    OHS 80# (5# pr) finally got over that 75 mark. First time taking the bar off my back, I usually jerk it up then adjust my hands so I was happy I felt comfortable with that starting position.
    Hang Clean 130 (20# pr). I struggle with the hang position but today I cleaned it with the split. That move comes in handy with heavier weight. Felt good. Love cleans!
    Press, this is another story. Very weak lift for me. 45x5 then 65 x8 but had to rack the bar each time. Very tough with the shoulder.
    Part B. Complete. Shoulders and tri's are very sore but it's a good sore from Angie.
    Nice pr's Josh!!!

  6. #245 OHS, 225# HC, 165# press maxed then did did the 5x 95,115,125, felt good need to get stronger here!! and really need to work on front rack mobility!! I think thats why my cleans are lacking lbs. Or just steal Mason's Clean Mojo, Just like Dr. Evil did.!!

    B. Done. nice pump.
    Nano 4's are the jam!

    P.S. I love Mark!! and the gym looks great Sarah should be proud! I defiantly don't clean and organize like that.
