Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday 10/6/14

3 Rounds For Time
10 Power Snatches 135/95
Run 400m

Tabata Mash Up
:20 on :10 off
Double Unders
Switch Back And Forth For A Total Of 16 Intervals (8 Each Movement)


  1. A. 8:17 Rx felt good. great crew to at 4:30 tonight. Mark I will work on touch and goes over the next coming weeks and snatch's in general. Top of the list!!

    B. tabata Done !! that was tough lowest was 7 burpees and du lowest were 15 Glad their were a lot of people doing it with us!!

  2. 13:00 65#
    6 burpees/8 doubles. Was whipped at this point. Literally.

  3. A. 10:03 Rx will start working on opening the chest more and looking up on the snatch.

    B. 6 burpees/15 double unders

    It was a super fun class tonight!!!

  4. It was awesome watching so many do the advanced programming!
    I dont remember my exact time but it was 8 something and I did an average of 6-7 burpees and ranged between 17-32 doubles
