Sunday, August 3, 2014

Monday 8/4/14

5 Rounds For Time
Run 400m
21 Deadlifts

4 Rounds
50m Sled Push 45/25
:30 sec L-Hang


  1. 23:06 115#
    Empty sled, knee holds

  2. A.18:48 Rx
    B. complete w/ empty sled

  3. 18:25 rx deadlifts felt good. Unbroken with the first set, then broke it down into sets of seven the rest of the rounds.
    Part B. Completed with no love at all for sled pushes. Not a fan:)

  4. 17:24
    the sled was so crushingly difficult, I love it. The l-hangs were broken into :10sec intervals

  5. A. Didn't finish I quit on the dead's finished the runs not sure of time. back has a pretty tight muscle pump. really questioning. weather or not I'm being a baby But form was so bad even after dropping weight it wasn't worth it. Shana worked me and did some mobility after need to step that up allot. Didn't do anything else it was humbling but a month from know i hopefully will look back on this as a good experience that has made me better as a athlete.
