Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Thursday 8/21/14


6 Rounds For Time
25 Back Ext.
Run 200m
25 Sit Ups
Run 200m

5 Rounds
Snatch Complex
1 Rep From The Hang
1 Rep From The Knees
1 Rep From The Ground
Rest Between Rounds


  1. 18:30something I skipped the snatches with the intention of getting in later but it's later, I'll have to make them up.

  2. 19:58 solo. Skipped the snatch complex due to starvation and wanted to get home and eat after being on the go all day today since 6:30 am. This back to work thing is a grind. lol
    They are going to be long days ahead of me but I am focused to keep training hard to reach my goal!!
