Monday, August 4, 2014

Tuesday 8/5/14

100 Pull Ups
100 Push Ups
100 Sit Ups
100 Air Squats

Back Squat 
5x 65%
5x 75% 
5x 85%


  1. The squats are based off 3rm or 90% of 1 rm

  2. 31:59 50 pull ups, rest rx.
    Used 1rm early this am...75, 90, 100# pretty good burn after those squats and deadlifts having extra stuff to do:)

  3. Nice Sarah S. and can't wait to see you at the Masters Comp!

    17:55pr! 185,225,255 definitely hard after the 100 air squats!

    1. holy cow Mark. That's a great Angie time! See, aren't you glad I didn't back over you yesterday during your sled pushes? You would have missed out on your PR!

    2. I still wish you ran me over

  4. A. 20:58 PR as well
    I think I would have shaved a few seconds if my hands weren't so wrecked. I don't want to, but I may get gloves.
    B. I was going to do the back squats at work, but I went flying instead. I lifted 10 tons with my left hand. PR!

    1. Josh ill show you how to make tape wraps I think they're better than gloves.

  5. A. Angie 15:57 Rx Pr as well!! twenty of the bat then tens the a lot of singles with just jumping back on the bar pretty quickly.PU 10-10-10-10-5-5 -3-2 then what ever i could. One rest on sit ups and one rest on squats.
    Mason your work was amazing!! you are an animal! (not sure what kind yet but I'll figure it out)

    B. I held off on the heavy stuff and I really hate deviating from the programing that Mark works hard on!! I really do! But if figured i would work on teqnical stuff for a bit. to rest my tight body. 10 round of hand stand hold facing the wall then 30 du unbroken. then worked on handstand walks and had a vast improvement on these probably going 15' maybe on these for the first time. better than yesterday and that's all I want everyday!

  6. 34:21 rx stayed with my plan on pullups 10, then sets of 5 until 90 then 3,3,2,2 could feel the blisters at that point. Pushups I knew were going to be a crap shoot on whatever I could do, they did take me about 19 minutes but I stayed really plank, the only way I will get stronger. Situps fine, squats were slow at 25,25,then rolled through the last 50 and then sprinted through the last 10.
    B. 100, 115, 125 man, it was hard getting out of the bottom after doing those squats and deadlifts yesterday. But I feel really good right now. Learning how to pace but still need work in so many thinigs but a little at a time.
    Allan, nice job on those hand stand walks, really controlled and steady. And thanks for getting me through the end of Angie!
    Nice work everyone, keep it up!!!

  7. Nice Job Crew! Josh that's a lot of weight!
