Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wednesday 9/24/14

AMRAP 5:00
1 Legless Rope Climb
10 Ring Dips

Rest 2:00

AMRAP 5:00
1 Legless Rope Climb
15 Plate Push Ups

Rest 2:00

AMRAP 5:00
1 Rope Climb With Feet
20 Burpees

Box Squat
Set Feet Slightly Wider Than Your Normal Squat Stance. Work Off Of A Box That Puts You At Parallel. Use Chains Or Bands For Additional Resistance. 
Work To 3-5 Heavy Sets


  1. 4 rounds red band
    1+8 with plates
    All feet
    75, 85, 95, 95, 95 which is heavy enough for me!

  2. Legless 1 rnd + 1+4
    Legless 2rnds plate
    2 rnds +1+9
    Man, I was more tired today than yesterday. I'm not eating enough especially to replenish from Saturday!!

  3. 3+9
    3 even those burpees sucked!!!! Rx.

    B. worked with chains got to 265# x6,285# x 5 285# x5 305# x4 305# x4 305# x3 using wall ball for depth really felt great, knees felt solid (out). and chest was up.

    Mason eat woman eat !!!!!!! October 18th is less than a month away!! and I saw Bushy buying a bag of anabolics in the parking lot before 4:30!! (Just kidding)

    fuel up!!!!!!! oh and rest a little!

    1. hahahaha yeah rest day tomorrow. I just feel off this week but I guess that is to be expected. Eat, eat, eat...got it!!!!
