Friday, October 3, 2014

Saturday 10/4/14

5 Rounds
5 Shoulder Presses
10-15 Unbroken Chest To Bar Pull Ups
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds

Choose Your 2 Weakest Movements On The List. If Chest To Bars Was One Of Them Do Strict CTB and One Other Movement.
Over The Coming Weeks We Are Going To Turn Them Into Strengths. On The Minute For 10 Minutes Work For Approximately :30-:45 Seconds On Your Movements. One on The Odd Minute The Other On The Even Minute.


  1. For a clearer look at the movement chart use this link:
    It is from a very interesting article about the open WODs

  2. Got to 65# tough shoulder movement for me. A lot of crunching going on in there. Could not get 10 c2b unbroken but would do 5, then break them up.
    B. did bar muscle ups with green band just to find the rhythm. I got 9 and strung 2 at a time. And worked on back ext. everything was squat work of knee pressure so I'm resting them for the week.

  3. Mason those bar muscle ups looked awesome!
    45# for all rounds and 4 c2b...
    Did OHS at 45# and double unders

  4. 95#/11str, 125/15.135/15,145/15,145/15
    hips to rings, ttb
